Are Gutter Leaf Guards Really Effective?

Experts generally agree that gutter protectors don't provide foolproof protection against all the debris that can dirty and clog gutters. You shouldn't buy gutter protectors with the intention of never cleaning your downspouts again. They don't make your gutters invincible or magically resistant to the debris of the seasons. After analyzing long-term costs, it has been found that gutter protectors aren't worth it and are a waste of money.

Gutter protectors do a relatively good job of keeping dirt out of the gutters, saving you the task of cleaning them. However, they still require routine maintenance, which goes against the purpose of investing in gutter protectors. Gutter protectors, also known as leaf protectors, are supposed to provide homeowners with peace of mind when it comes to preventing gutters from becoming clogged or obstructed. While you may think that you won't need to clean your gutters again when you install them, keep in mind that this isn't accurate.

Professional roofers know that no gutter protector offers 100 percent protection against leaves, pine needles and other debris. Some of this debris can cut through these guards and fill the gutters. Regular cleaning is still necessary to eliminate the debris that manages to pass through these protection systems. Years ago, an extensive test was conducted on almost every gutter protector design and it was found that almost all of them fail.

The inverse curve designs allow small pieces of dirt to be brought into the gutter, where it is impossible to clean rotting dirt. Small debris of all kinds obstruct the holes, crevices and perforations of the other designs. Most sewer protectors fail miserably in spring, when small debris falls from trees as snow in a snowstorm. The short answer is yes, sewer protectors work.

While they can't guarantee that you'll never have your gutters clogged again, they can significantly reduce the number of times you need to clean them and reduce the risk of damaging your home and property due to clogged gutters and standing water. Some homeowners use gutter protectors, such as LeafGuard, which are intended to prevent debris from filling up their gutters. If you choose a gutter protection system, prepare for a different type of maintenance to keep your gutters and roof working together in harmony. It is recommended that at least once a year, usually in the fall when the leaves begin to fall, check the gutters for accumulations or damage to the gutter protection.

If you have a curved gutter protection system or one with a solid cover, you've just given wasps, hornets and birds a place to call home. So what's the best time to clean your gutters? The general rule is that you should ensure that your gutters are cleaned every spring and fall. Some designs work better than others, but heavy rain often overloads the gutter protector and causes stormwater to overflow, especially on a large roof or a steep roof. A gutter protector works like a giant pipe cleaner as it traps leaves in the brush so that they don't get stuck in the bottom of the gutter.

Providing a professional gutter cleaning service is safer, more cost-effective and reliable to keep your gutter system in good working order. It can be expensive to install, and companies don't tell you that your gutters still need routine maintenance even with gutter protectors. The main purpose of a gutter protector is to keep much of the dirt out of gutter systems and to redirect water. Installing a gutter protector correctly should reduce the number of times you'll have to clean them.

Gutter protectors work well when you install an effective system; they can save thousands of dollars on gutter cleaning and provide you with peace of mind while reducing the maintenance of your property. You'll need to clean the top of the gutter protectors all year round to ensure that water continues to flow through them, and you'll need to remove and clean any debris that reaches the gutters.